Trekster goes to Japan !!!

Japan, Travel

In November, I am off for a short 2-week trip to Japan, the land of the rising sun. Hopefully, I’ll be back with many more tales to tell…

Japan has been on my list of places to visit for quite some time now. For me, the mix of culture and modernity in Japan is a big draw, one that promises many interesting tales and sights. I had originally planned to visit in spring this year, timing it with the fabulous cherry blossoms in Japan. But fate intervened and I had to scuttle that trip. So I decided to travel during Autumn instead and take in the fabulous fall colors. I’ve been putting together a plan, collecting visas, tickets, booking stay, finalizing on train passes etc. for the last couple of months and now, I’m finally off to Japan tomorrow 🙂

Japan Travel Plans
Japan Travel Plans

I’ll be visiting Tokyo, Kyoto (and surrounding areas), Naoshima, Himeji and maybe even Hiroshima during the trip. And I’m staying at some quaint backpacker hostels and will be even spending a night in a capsule hotel !!!

From the neon lights of Tokyo, to the massive castle of Himeji, the autumn colors of Kyoto and the wonderful bamboo gardens of Arashiyama and the sleek bullet trains, I’m excited at seeing and experiencing a whole new world. Also I am big fan of Japanese cuisine, and I’m really looking forward to feasting on sushi, ramen, donburi, shabu-shabu, Yakitori and other Japanese delicacies. So do watch the blog for more travel stories in the coming days. And if you want to follow my adventures in Japan, do like Trekster on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

Credits for Cover Image: “Light at the End of the Torii” by Agustin Rafael Reyes

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